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About ME



My name is Kate AKA 'Binglesmama' cut a long story short the name Bingle is used for my two cheeky monkeys, my mum has always called them her 'Bingles' and I thought well that's a good a name as any. So I am the Bingle's mama.
I live in Kent with my fiancé Dean and our two little cherubs Jakob (Now 5) and Lola (Now 2), I am a blogger and a freelance writer.
I have worked my entire life from the age of 14 in various roles and now after becoming a mum of two I decided it was time for me to venture onto something a little different, especially as I will be turning the big 30 next year I felt it was finally time for me to do something I wanted to do and enjoyed rather than another job that I was reluctant to do. This is something I am really passionate about and thought I'd love to share my experiences with others!


So here I am to share all my experiences on motherhood and the journey to motherhood with both TTC as well as surprise pregnancy.
Some beautiful experiences and some not so beautiful .....
I'm down to earth and suppose you could say maybe a bit too descriptive at times, (if you get my gist, TMI and all that...)


I've had two emergency C-Sections, both very different experiences and I wanted to share my experiences and hopefully hear from others who went through a similar ordeal. I personally found having C-Section's a huge hurdle to overcome and there is so much information on physical recovery but not much on mental health or PTSD from those scary experiences! This was my main reason to start blogging and to reach out to other mum's. 

If your anything like me I seem to google or YouTube EVERYTHING.....and this is another reason that led me to start blogging...I don't know if its just me but I always feel like I need to keep 'upping my game' to match all those other super mums out there that post nothing but all the beautiful pictures of their children and family life. They always looked so idyllic and picture perfect! I never saw the melt downs, money struggles or every day challenges. All I was seeing were families who had beautiful expensive homes, all spick and span with no mountain of mess in the background. Whereas my house, there's always a mountain of toys on the floor in the background or washing hanging up or some dishes on the side that I haven't had a chance to wash yet, and so it goes on...
But you know what, I realised This is me, motherhood is crazy and my children are just as happy and crazy along side with me!


One particular YouTube video that led me to my own blog was when I googled 'What its like to have three children?' (Yes I literally google everything!) Reason for this being is I have two beautiful children but I am debating planning for a third as I would love to extend our family, but I've had many people telling me "three is a crowd", "middle child syndrome", "three is an odd number, don't do it". So, I watched a video on a mum showing her daily routine with her three children. Well, this mama looked like wonder woman, loading the dishwasher, making the beds, doing the kids breakfast (which was cooked, not a bowl of cereal BTW), getting the kids dressed, putting on her make up (and she looked radiant) and then she said by that point it was 7am and she was almost ready for the school run. Wow, hang on a minute, just pause for a second...7am? I'm usually plopping out of bed at that time and reluctantly might I add (I'm not a great morning person, more of a night owl) so I tend to then traipse down the stairs like a zombie and just about manage a bowl of cereal for the kids (lucky its their favourite), then I need a quick rest so I sit on the sofa until I'm a little more awake and human like. Mornings in my household are for chilling, we get things done later on in the day when we are more awake. But at the end of the day, we are all different. (Some days I feel my parenting skills seem to resemble that of Uncle Buck). 

So I'm going to share all my experiences the good, the bad and the down right gross...

I wanted to focus a little more of my blog on C- Section mums as its something very close to heart, so you will likely see a lot of posts and discussions about c-section births on my page. When you hear the news your expecting your first child, one of the first things that springs to a woman's mind (shortly after the shock has worn off) is OMG I've got to give birth. But how do you cope when nothing goes according to your plan and you end up having major surgery? (And that's just the beginning of the journey).


Hopefully other mummy's out there can read this and relate or at least find some comfort and humour, I always love to hear from others who want to share their experiences too...Motherhood can be very daunting and lonely at times and if my writing and ranting can bring some form of support to others then I'm happy!

So please don't by shy, follow us and come say hi!




     Bingle's Mama 


Thank goodness for snapchat filers!

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